New in version 0.10.
Converts Heka message contents to InfluxDB v0.9.0 API format and periodically emits batch messages with a payload ready for delivery via HTTP.
Optionally includes all standard message fields as tags or fields and iterates through all of the dynamic fields to add as points (series), skipping any fields explicitly omitted using the skip_fields config option. It can also map any Heka message fields as tags in the request sent to the InfluxDB write API, using the tag_fields config option. All dynamic fields in the Heka message are converted to separate points separated by newlines that are submitted to InfluxDB.
This filter is intended for use with InfluxDB versions 0.9 or greater.
String that is used in the string.format function to define the number of digits printed after the decimal in number values. The string formatting of numbers is forced to print with floating points because InfluxDB will reject values that change from integers to floats and vice-versa. By forcing all numbers to floats, we ensure that InfluxDB will always accept our numerical values, regardless of the initial format.
String to use as the name key’s prefix value in the generated line. Supports message field interpolation. %{fieldname}. Any fieldname values of “Type”, “Payload”, “Hostname”, “Pid”, “Logger”, “Severity”, or “EnvVersion” will be extracted from the the base message schema, any other values will be assumed to refer to a dynamic message field. Only the first value of the first instance of a dynamic message field can be used for name name interpolation. If the dynamic field doesn’t exist, the uninterpolated value will be left in the name. Note that it is not possible to interpolate either the “Timestamp” or the “Uuid” message fields into the name, those values will be interpreted as referring to dynamic message fields.
String to use as the delimiter between the name_prefix and the field name. This defaults to a blank string but can be anything else instead (such as ”.” to use Graphite-like naming).
Space delimited set of fields that should not be included in the InfluxDB measurements being generated. Any fieldname values of “Type”, “Payload”, “Hostname”, “Pid”, “Logger”, “Severity”, or “EnvVersion” will be assumed to refer to the corresponding field from the base message schema. Any other values will be assumed to refer to a dynamic message field. The magic value “all_base” can be used to exclude base fields from being mapped to the event altogether (useful if you don’t want to use tags and embed them in the name_prefix instead).
If the desired behavior of this encoder is to extract one field from the Heka message and feed it as a single line to InfluxDB, then use this option to define which field to find the value from. Be careful to set the name_prefix field if this option is present or no measurement name will be present when trying to send to InfluxDB. When this option is present, no other fields besides this one will be sent to InfluxDB as a measurement whatsoever.
Take fields defined and add them as tags of the measurement(s) sent to InfluxDB for the message. The magic values “all” and “all_base” are used to map all fields (including taggable base fields) to tags and only base fields to tags, respectively. If those magic values aren’t used, then only those fields defined will map to tags of the measurement sent to InfluxDB. The tag_fields values are independent of the skip_fields values and have no affect on each other. You can skip fields from being sent to InfluxDB as measurements, but still include them as tags.
Specify the timestamp precision that you want the event sent with. The default is to use milliseconds by dividing the Heka message timestamp by 1e6, but this math can be altered by specifying one of the precision values supported by the InfluxDB write API (ms, s, m, h). Other precisions supported by InfluxDB of n and u are not yet supported.
This defines the name of the InfluxDB measurement. We default this to “value” to match the examples in the InfluxDB documentation, but you can replace that with anything else that you prefer.
Specifies a number of messages that will trigger a batch flush, if received before a timer tick. Values of zero or lower mean to never flush on message count, only on ticker intervals.
Example Heka Configuration
type = "FilePollingInput"
ticker_interval = 5
file_path = "/proc/loadavg"
decoder = "LinuxStatsDecoder"
type = "SandboxDecoder"
filename = "lua_decoders/linux_loadavg.lua"
type = "MultiDecoder"
subs = ["LoadAvgDecoder", "AddStaticFields"]
cascade_strategy = "all"
log_sub_errors = false
type = "ScribbleDecoder"
Environment = "dev"
type = "SandboxFilter"
message_matcher = "Type =~ /stats.*/"
filename = "lua_filters/influx_batch.lua"
skip_fields = "**all_base** FilePath NumProcesses Environment TickerInterval"
tag_fields = "Hostname Environment"
timestamp_precision= "s"
flush_count = 10000
type = "HttpOutput"
message_matcher = "Fields[payload_name] == 'influx_line'"
encoder = "PayloadEncoder"
address = ""
username = "influx_username"
password = "influx_password"