New in version 0.5.
Calculates the most frequent items in a data stream.
The message variable name containing the items to be counted.
The maximum size of the sample set (higher will produce a more accurate list).
Used to reduce the long tail output by only outputting the higher frequency items.
Resets the list after the specified number of days (on the UTC day boundary). A value of 0 will never reset the list.
Example Heka Configuration
type = "SandboxFilter"
filename = "lua_filters/frequent_items.lua"
ticker_interval = 60
preserve_data = true
message_matcher = "Logger == 'nginx.access' && Type == 'fxa-auth-server'"
message_variable = "Fields[remote_addr]"
max_items = 10000
min_output_weight = 100
reset_days = 1