Plugin Name: AMQPOutput
Connects to a remote AMQP broker (RabbitMQ) and sends messages to the specified queue. The message is serialized if specified, otherwise only the raw payload of the message will be sent. As AMQP is dynamically programmable, the broker topology needs to be specified.
An AMQP connection string formatted per the RabbitMQ URI Spec.
AMQP exchange name
AMQP exchange type (fanout, direct, topic, or headers).
Whether the exchange should be configured as a durable exchange. Defaults to non-durable.
Whether the exchange is deleted when all queues have finished and there is no publishing. Defaults to auto-delete.
The message routing key used to bind the queue to the exchange. Defaults to empty string.
Whether published messages should be marked as persistent or transient. Defaults to non-persistent.
A sub-section that specifies the settings to be used for restart behavior. See Configuring Restarting Behavior
New in version 0.6.
MIME content type of the payload used in the AMQP header. Defaults to “application/hekad”.
Specifies which of the registered encoders should be used for converting Heka messages to binary data that is sent out over the AMQP connection. Defaults to the always available “ProtobufEncoder”.
Specifies whether or not the encoded data sent out over the TCP connection should be delimited by Heka’s Stream Framing. Defaults to true.
New in version 0.6.
An optional sub-section that specifies the settings to be used for any SSL/TLS encryption. This will only have any impact if URL uses the AMQPS URI scheme. See Configuring TLS.
Example (that sends log lines from the logger):
url = "amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq/"
exchange = "testout"
exchange_type = "fanout"
message_matcher = 'Logger == "TestWebserver"'