Plugin Name: PayloadRegexDecoder
Decoder plugin that accepts messages of a specified form and generates new outgoing messages from extracted data, effectively transforming one message format into another.
The Go regular expression tester is an invaluable tool for constructing and debugging regular expressions to be used for parsing your input data.
Regular expression that must match for the decoder to process the message.
Subsection defining severity strings and the numerical value they should be translated to. hekad uses numerical severity codes, so a severity of WARNING can be translated to 3 by settings in this section. See Heka Message.
Subsection defining message fields to populate and the interpolated values that should be used. Valid interpolated values are any captured in a regex in the message_matcher, and any other field that exists in the message. In the event that a captured name overlaps with a message field, the captured name’s value will be used. Optional representation metadata can be added at the end of the field name using a pipe delimiter i.e. ResponseSize|B = “%ResponseSize%” will create Fields[ResponseSize] representing the number of bytes. Adding a representation string to a standard message header name will cause it to be added as a user defined field i.e., Payload|json will create Fields[Payload] with a json representation (see Field Variables).
Interpolated values should be surrounded with % signs, for example:
Type = "%Type%Decoded"
This will result in the new message’s Type being set to the old messages Type with Decoded appended.
A formatting string instructing hekad how to turn a time string into the actual time representation used internally. Example timestamp layouts can be seen in Go’s time documentation. In addition to the Go time formatting, special timestamp_layout values of “Epoch”, “EpochMilli”, “EpochMicro”, and “EpochNano” are supported for Unix style timestamps represented in seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, and nanoseconds since the Epoch, respectively.
Time zone in which the timestamps in the text are presumed to be in. Should be a location name corresponding to a file in the IANA Time Zone database (e.g. “America/Los_Angeles”), as parsed by Go’s time.LoadLocation() function (see Defaults to “UTC”. Not required if valid time zone info is embedded in every parsed timestamp, since those can be parsed as specified in the timestamp_layout. This setting will have no impact if one of the supported “Epoch*” values is used as the timestamp_layout setting.
New in version 0.5.
If set to false, payloads that can not be matched against the regex will not be logged as errors. Defaults to true.
Example (Parsing Apache Combined Log Format):
type = "PayloadRegexDecoder"
match_regex = '^(?P<RemoteIP>\S+) \S+ \S+ \[(?P<Timestamp>[^\]]+)\] "(?P<Method>[A-Z]+) (?P<Url>[^\s]+)[^"]*" (?P<StatusCode>\d+) (?P<RequestSize>\d+) "(?P<Referer>[^"]*)" "(?P<Browser>[^"]*)"'
timestamp_layout = "02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700"
# severities in this case would work only if a (?P<Severity>...) matching
# group was present in the regex, and the log file contained this information.
INFO = 6
Type = "ApacheLogfile"
Logger = "apache"
Url|uri = "%Url%"
Method = "%Method%"
Status = "%Status%"
RequestSize|B = "%RequestSize%"
Referer = "%Referer%"
Browser = "%Browser%"