
Stat FilterΒΆ

Plugin Name: StatFilter

Filter plugin that accepts messages of a specfied form and uses extracted message data to feed statsd-style numerical metrics in the form of Stat objects to a StatAccumulator.


  • Metric:

    Subsection defining a single metric to be generated. Both the name and value fields for each metric support interpolation of message field values (from ‘Type’, ‘Hostname’, ‘Logger’, ‘Payload’, or any dynamic field name) with the use of %% delimiters, so %Hostname% would be replaced by the message’s Hostname field, and %Foo% would be replaced by the first value of a dynamic field called “Foo”:

    • type (string):

      Metric type, supports “Counter”, “Timer”, “Gauge”.

    • name (string):

      Metric name, must be unique.

    • value (string):

      Expression representing the (possibly dynamic) value that the StatFilter should emit for each received message.

  • stat_accum_name (string):

    Name of a StatAccumInput instance that this StatFilter will use as its StatAccumulator for submitting generate stat values. Defaults to “StatAccumInput”.


ticker_interval = 5

address = ""

type = "StatFilter"
message_matcher = 'Type == "ApacheLogfile"'

type = "Counter"
name = "httpd.bytes.%Hostname%"
value = "%Bytes%"

type = "Counter"
name = "httpd.hits.%Method%.%Hostname%"
value = "1"


StatFilter requires an available StatAccumInput to be running.