
Lua Sandbox

The Lua sandbox provides full access to the Lua language in a sandboxed environment under hekad that enforces configurable restrictions.


Functions that must be exposed from the Lua sandbox

int process_message()

Called by Heka when a message is available to the sandbox. The instruction_limit configuration parameter is applied to this function call.

  • < 0 for non-fatal failure (increments ProcessMessageFailures)
  • 0 for success
  • > 0 for fatal error (terminates the sandbox)

Called by Heka when the ticker_interval expires. The instruction_limit configuration parameter is applied to this function call. This function is only required in SandboxFilters (SandboxDecoders do not support timer events).

  • ns (int64) current time in nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch

Heka functions that are exposed to the Lua sandbox


Provides access to the sandbox configuration variables.

  • variableName (string)
number, string, bool, nil depending on the type of variable requested
read_message(variableName, fieldIndex, arrayIndex)

Provides access to the Heka message data.

  • variableName (string)
    • Uuid
    • Type
    • Logger
    • Payload
    • EnvVersion
    • Hostname
    • Timestamp
    • Severity
    • Pid
    • Fields[_name_]
  • fieldIndex (unsigned) only used in combination with the Fields variableName
    • use to retrieve a specific instance of a repeated field _name_
  • arrayIndex (unsigned) only used in combination with the Fields variableName
    • use to retrieve a specific element out of a field containing an array
number, string, bool, nil depending on the type of variable requested
output(arg0, arg1, ...argN)

Appends data to the payload buffer, which cannot exceed the output_limit configuration parameter.

  • arg (number, string, bool, nil, table, circular_buffer) Lua variable or literal to be appended the output buffer


Outputting a Lua table will serialize it to JSON according to the following guidelines/restrictions:
  • Tables cannot contain internal of circular references.

  • Keys starting with an underscore are considered private and will not be serialized.
    • ‘_name’ is a special private key that can be used to specify the the name of the top level JSON object, if not provided the default is ‘table’.
  • Arrays only use contiguous numeric keys starting with an index of 1. Private keys are the exception i.e. local a = {1,2,3,_name=”my_name”} will be serialized as: {"my_name":[1,2,3]}\n

  • Hashes only use string keys (numeric keys will not be quoted and the JSON output will be invalid). Note: the hash keys are output in an arbitrary order i.e. local a = {x = 1, y = 2} will be serialized as: {"table":{"y":2,"x":1}}\n.

In most cases circular buffers should be directly output using inject_message. However, in order to create graph annotations the annotation table has to be written to the output buffer followed by the circular buffer. The output function is the only way to combine this data before injection (use a unique payload_type when injecting a message with a non-standard circular buffer mashups).

inject_message(payload_type, payload_name)

Creates a new Heka message using the contents of the output payload buffer and then clears the buffer. Two pieces of optional metadata are allowed and included as fields in the injected message i.e., Fields[payload_type] == ‘csv’ Fields[payload_name] == ‘Android Usage Statistics’. The number of messages that may be injected by the process_message or timer_event functions are globally controlled by the hekad Command Line Options; if these values are exceeded the sandbox will be terminated.

  • payload_type (optional, default “txt” string) Describes the content type of the injected payload data.
  • payload_name (optional, default “” string) Names the content to aid in downstream filtering.
inject_message(circular_buffer, payload_name)

Creates a new Heka message placing the circular buffer output in the message payload (overwriting whatever is in the output buffer). The payload_type is set to the circular buffer output format string. i.e., Fields[payload_type] == ‘cbuf’. The Fields[payload_name] is set to the provided payload_name.

  • circular_buffer (circular_buffer)
  • payload_name (optional, default “” string) Names the content to aid in downstream filtering.
  • injection limits are enforced as described above

Creates a new Heka protocol buffer message using the contents of the specified Lua table (overwriting whatever is in the output buffer). Notes about message fields:

  • Timestamp is automatically generated if one is not provided. Nanosecond since the UNIX epoch is the only valid format.

  • UUID is automatically generated, anything provided by the user is ignored.

  • Hostname and Logger are automatically set by the SandboxFilter and cannot be overridden.

  • Type is prepended with “heka.sandbox.” by the SandboxFilter to avoid data confusion/mis-representation.

  • Fields can be represented in multiple forms and support the following primitive types: string, double, bool. These constructs should be added to the ‘Fields’ table in the message structure. Note: since the Fields structure is a map and not an array, like the protobuf message, fields cannot be repeated.
    • name=value i.e., foo=”bar”; foo=1; foo=true

    • name={array} i.e., foo={“b”, “a”, “r”}

    • name={object} i.e. foo={value=1, representation=”s”}; foo={value={1010, 2200, 1567}, representation=”ms”}
      • value (required) may be a single value or an array of values
      • representation (optional) metadata for display and unit management
  • message_table A table with the proper message structure.
  • injection limits are enforced as described above

Loads optional sandbox libraries

a table (which is also globally registered with the library name).

Sample Lua Message Structure

Uuid        = "data",               -- always ignored
Logger      = "nginx",              -- ignored in the SandboxFilter
Hostname    = "",  -- ignored in the SandboxFilter

Timestamp   = 1e9,
Type        = "TEST",               -- will become "heka.sandbox.TEST" in the SandboxFilter
Papload     = "Test Payload",
EnvVersion  = "0.8",
Pid         = 1234,
Severity    = 6,
Fields      = {
            http_status     = 200,
            request_size    = {value=1413, representation="B"}

Lua Circular Buffer Library

The library is a sliding window time series data store and is implemented in the circular_buffer table.

Constructor, columns, seconds_per_row, enable_delta)

  • rows (unsigned) The number of rows in the buffer (must be > 1)
  • columns (unsigned)The number of columns in the buffer (must be > 0)
  • seconds_per_row (unsigned) The number of seconds each row represents (must be > 0).
  • enable_delta (optional, default false bool) When true the changes made to the circular buffer between delta outputs are tracked.
A circular buffer object.



All column arguments are 1 based. If the column is out of range for the configured circular buffer a fatal error is generated.

double add(nanoseconds, column, value)

  • nanosecond (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The value is used to determine which row is being operated on.
  • column (unsigned) The column within the specified row to perform an add operation on.
  • value (double) The value to be added to the specified row/column.
The value of the updated row/column or nil if the time was outside the range of the buffer.

double set(nanoseconds, column, value)

  • nanosecond (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The value is used to determine which row is being operated on.
  • column (unsigned) The column within the specified row to perform a set operation on.
  • value (double) The value to be overwritten at the specified row/column.
The value passed in or nil if the time was outside the range of the buffer.

double get(nanoseconds, column)

  • nanosecond (unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. The value is used to determine which row is being operated on.
  • column (unsigned) The column within the specified row to retrieve the data from.
The value at the specifed row/column or nil if the time was outside the range of the buffer.

int set_header(column, name, unit, aggregation_method)

  • column (unsigned) The column number where the header information is applied.

  • name (string) Descriptive name of the column (maximum 15 characters). Any non alpha numeric characters will be converted to underscores. (default: Column_N)

  • unit (string - optional) The unit of measure (maximum 7 characters). Alpha numeric, ‘/’, and ‘*’ characters are allowed everything else will be converted to underscores. i.e. KiB, Hz, m/s (default: count)

  • aggregation_method (string - optional) Controls how the column data is aggregated when combining multiple circular buffers.
    • sum The total is computed for the time/column (default).
    • min The smallest value is retained for the time/column.
    • max The largest value is retained for the time/column.
    • avg The average is computed for the time/column.
    • none No aggregation will be performed the column.
The column number passed into the function.

double compute(function, column, start, end)

  • function (string) The name of the compute function (sum|avg|sd|min|max).
  • column (unsigned) The column that the computation is performed against.
  • start (optional - unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. Sets the start time of the computation range; if nil the buffer’s start time is used.
  • end (optional- unsigned) The number of nanosecond since the UNIX epoch. Sets the end time of the computation range (inclusive); if nil the buffer’s end time is used. The end time must be greater than or equal to the start time.
The result of the computation for the specifed column over the given range or nil if the range fell outside of the buffer.
cbuf format(format)

Sets an internal flag to control the output format of the circular buffer data structure; if deltas are not enabled or there haven’t been any modifications, nothing is output.

  • format (string)
    • cbuf The circular buffer full data set format.
    • cbufd The circular buffer delta data set format.
The circular buffer object.


The circular buffer can be passed to the output() function. The output format can be selected using the format() function.

The cbuf (full data set) output format consists of newline delimited rows starting with a json header row followed by the data rows with tab delimited columns. The time in the header corresponds to the time of the first data row, the time for the other rows is calculated using the seconds_per_row header value.

{json header}

The cbufd (delta) output format consists of newline delimited rows starting with a json header row followed by the data rows with tab delimited columns. The first column is the timestamp for the row (time_t). The cbufd output will only contain the rows that have changed and the corresponding delta values for each column.

{json header}

Sample Cbuf Output

10002   0   0
11323   0   0
10685   0   0


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data =, 5, 60) -- 1 day at 1 minute resolution
local HTTP_200      = data:set_header(1, "HTTP_200"     , "count")
local HTTP_300      = data:set_header(2, "HTTP_300"     , "count")
local HTTP_400      = data:set_header(3, "HTTP_400"     , "count")
local HTTP_500      = data:set_header(4, "HTTP_500"     , "count")
local HTTP_UNKNOWN  = data:set_header(5, "HTTP_UNKNOWN" , "count")

function process_message()
    local ts = read_message("Timestamp")
    local sc = read_message("Fields[http_status_code]")
    if sc == nil then return 0 end

    if sc >= 200 and sc < 300 then
        data:add(ts, HTTP_200, 1)
    elseif sc >= 300 and sc < 400 then
        data:add(ts, HTTP_300, 1)
    elseif sc >= 400 and sc < 500 then
        data:add(ts, HTTP_400, 1)
    elseif sc >= 500 and sc < 600 then
        data:add(ts, HTTP_500, 1)
        data:add(ts, HTTP_UNKNOWN, 1)
    return 0

function timer_event()
    inject_message("cbuf", "HTTP Status Code Statistics")

Setting the inject_message payload_type to “cbuf” will cause the DashboardOutput to automatically generate an HTML page containing a graphical view of the data.

Lua Sandbox Tutorial

How to create a simple sandbox filter

  1. Implement the required Heka interface in Lua
function process_message ()
    return 0

function timer_event(ns)
  1. Add the business logic (count the number of ‘demo’ events per minute)
total = 0 -- preserved between restarts since it is in global scope
local count = 0 -- local scope so this will not be preserved

function process_message()
    total= total + 1
    count = count + 1
    return 0

function timer_event(ns)
    output(string.format("%d messages in the last minute; total=%d", count, total))
    count = 0
  1. Setup the configuration
type = "SandboxFilter"
message_matcher = "Type == 'demo'"
ticker_interval = 60
script_type = "lua"
filename = "counter.lua"
preserve_data = true
memory_limit = 32767
instruction_limit = 100
output_limit = 256

4. Extending the business logic (count the number of ‘demo’ events per minute per device)

device_counters = {}

function process_message()
    local device_name = read_message("Fields[DeviceName]")
    if device_name == nil then
        device_name = "_unknown_"

    local dc = device_counters[device_name]
    if dc == nil then
        dc = {count = 1, total = 1}
        device_counters[device_name] = dc
        dc.count = dc.count + 1 = + 1
    return 0

function timer_event(ns)
    for k, v in pairs(device_counters) do
        output(string.format("%s\t%d\t%d\n", k, v.count,
        v.count = 0
  1. Depending on the number of devices being counted you will most likely want to update the configuration to account for the additional resource requirements.
memory_limit = 65536
instruction_limit = 20000
output_limit = 64512