


hekad releases are available on the Github project releases page. Binaries are available for Linux and OSX, with packages for Debian and RPM based distributions.

From Source

hekad requires a Go work environment to be setup for the binary to be built; this task is automated by the build process. The build script will override the Go environment for the shell window it is executed in. This creates an isolated environment that is intended specifically for building and developing Heka. The build script should be be sourced every time a new shell is opened for Heka development to ensure the correct dependencies are found and being used. To create a working hekad binary for your platform you’ll need to install some prerequisites. Many of these are standard on modern Unix distributions and all are available for installation on Windows systems.

Prerequisites (all systems):

Prerequisites (Unix):

  • CA certificates (most probably already installed, via the ca-certificates package)
  • make
  • gcc and libc6 development headers (package glibc-devel or libc6-dev)
  • patch
  • GeoIP development files (optional)
  • dpkg, debhelper and fakeroot (optional)
  • rpmbuild (optional)
  • packagemaker (optional)

Prerequisites (Windows):

Build Instructions

  1. Check out the heka repository:

    git clone
  2. Source (Unix-y) or run (Windows) the build script in the heka directory:

    cd heka
    source # Unix (or `.`; must be sourced to properly setup the environment)
    build.bat  # Windows

You will now have a hekad binary in the build/heka/bin directory.

  1. (Optional) Run the tests to ensure a functioning hekad:

    ctest             # All, see note
    # Or use the makefile target
    make test         # Unix
    mingw32-make test # Windows


In addition to the standard test build target, ctest can be called directly providing much greater control over the tests being run and the generated output (see ctest –help). i.e., ‘ctest -R pi’ will only run the pipeline unit test.

  1. Run make install to install libs and modules into a usable location:

    make install         # Unix
    mingw32-make install # Windows

    This will install all of Heka’s required support libraries, modules, and other files into a usable share_dir, at the following path:

  2. Specify Heka configuration:

    When setting up your Heka configuration, you’ll want to make sure you set the global share_dir setting to point to the path above. The [hekad] section might look like this:

    maxprocs = 4
    share_dir = "/path/to/heka/repo/heka/share/heka"

Clean Targets

  • clean-heka - Use this target any time you change branches or pull from the Heka repository, it will ensure the Go workspace is in sync with the repository tree.
  • clean - You will never want to use this target (it is autogenerated by cmake), it will cause all external dependencies to be re-fetched and re-built. The best way to ‘clean-all’ is to delete the build directory and re-run the build.(sh|bat) script.

Build Options

There are two build customization options that can be specified during the cmake generation process.

  • INCLUDE_MOZSVC (bool) Include the Mozilla services plugins (default Unix: true, Windows: false).
  • BENCHMARK (bool) Enable the benchmark tests (default false)

For example: to enable the benchmark tests in addition to the standard unit tests type ‘cmake -DBENCHMARK=true ..’ in the build directory.

Building hekad with External Plugins

It is possible to extend hekad by writing input, decoder, filter, or output plugins in Go (see Extending Heka). Because Go only supports static linking of Go code, your plugins must be included with and registered into Heka at compile time. The build process supports this through the use of an optional cmake file {heka root}/cmake/plugin_loader.cmake. A cmake function has been provided add_external_plugin taking the repository type (git, svn, or hg), repository URL, the repository tag to fetch, and an optional list of sub-packages to be initialized.

add_external_plugin(git 6fe574dbd32a21f5d5583608a9d2339925edd2a7)
add_external_plugin(git <tag> util filepath)
add_external_plugin(git :local)
# The ':local' tag is a special case, it copies {heka root}/externals/{plugin_name} into the Go
# work environment every time `make` is run. When local development is complete, and the source
# is checked in, the value can simply be changed to the correct tag to make it 'live'.
# i.e. {heka root}/externals/heka-sns-input -> {heka root}/build/heka/src/

The preceeding entry clones the heka-mozsvc-plugins git repository into the Go work environment, checks out SHA 6fe574dbd32a21f5d5583608a9d2339925edd2a7, and imports the package into hekad when make is run. By adding an init() function in your package you can make calls into pipeline.RegisterPlugin to register your plugins with Heka’s configuration system.

Creating Packages

Installing packages on a system is generally the easiest way to deploy hekad. These packages can be easily created after following the above From Source directions:

1. Run cpack to build the appropriate package(s) for the current system:

cpack                # All
# Or use the makefile target
make package         # Unix (no deb, see below)
make deb             # Unix (if dpkg is available see below)
mingw32-make package # Windows

The packages will be created in the build directory.


You will need rpmbuild installed to build the rpms.


For file name convention reasons, deb packages won’t be created by running cpack or make package, even on a Unix machine w/ dpkg installed. Instead, running source on such a machine will generate a Makefile with a separate ‘deb’ target, so you can run make deb to generate the appropriate deb package. Additionnaly, you can add a suffix to the package version, for example: