
Configuring Buffering

All filter and output plugins support the use of a disk based message queue. If use_buffering is set to true, then the router will deliver messages that match the plugin’s message matcher to the queue buffer, and the plugin will read from the queue to get messages to process, instead of the handoff happening in the process RAM via Go channels. This improves message delivery reliability and allows plugins to reprocess messages from the queue in cases where upstream servers are down or Heka is recovering from a hard shutdown.

Each queue buffer supports a few configuration settings in addition to any options which the plugin might support. These can be specified in a sub-section of the plugin’s TOML configuration section entitled buffering.

Buffering configuration settings

  • max_file_size (uint64) The maximum size (in bytes) of a single file in the queue buffer. When a message would increase a queue file to greater than this size, the message will be written into a new file instead. Defaults to 128MiB. Value cannot be zero, if zero is specified the default will instead be used.

  • max_buffer_size (uint64) Maximum amount of disk space (in bytes) that the entire queue buffer can consume. Defaults to 0, or no limit. The action taken when the maximum buffer size is reached is determined by the full_action setting.

  • full_action (string) The action Heka will take if the queue buffer grows to larger than the maximum specified by the max_buffer_size setting. Must be one of the following values. Defaults to shutdown, although specific plugins might override this default with a default of their own:

    • shutdown: Heka will stop all processing and attempt a clean shutdown.

    • drop: Heka will drop the current message and will continue to process

      future messages.

    • block: Heka will pause message delivery, applying back pressure through

      the router to the inputs. Delivery will resume if and when the queue buffer size reduces to below the specified maximum.

  • cursor_update_count (uint) A plugin is responsible for notifying the queue buffer when a message has been processed by calling an UpdateCursor method on the PluginRunner. Some plugins call this for every message, while others call it only periodically after processing a large batch of messages. This setting specifies how many UpdateCursor calls must be made before the cursor location is flushed to disk. Defaults to 1, although specific plugins might override this default with a default of their own. Value cannot be zero, if zero is specified the default will be used instead.

Buffering Default Values

Please note that if you provide a buffering subsection for your plugin configuration, it is best to specify all of the available settings. In cases where the plugin specifies a non-standard default for one or more of these values, that default will only be applied if you omit the buffering subsection altogether. If you specify any of the values, it is expected that you will specify all of the values.

Sample Buffering Configuration

The following is a sample TcpOutput configuration showing the use of buffering.

message_matcher = "Type !~ /^heka/"
address = ""
keep_alive = true
use_buffering = true

    max_file_size = 268435456  # 256MiB
    max_buffer_size = 1073741824  # 1GiB
    full_action = "block"
    cursor_update_count = 100