
Transitional Filter and Output APIs

Heka’s APIs for filter and output plugins have changed drastically between the v0.9.X series and v0.10.0. To ease the transition, however, a very slightly modified version of the older APIs will be supported throughout the v0.10.X release series. These should allow users with pre-existing custom filter and output plugins to upgrade their plugin code to work with the newly introduced disk buffering support with minimal effort.

These transitional APIs are documented in full below, but a brief summary is that the APIs are identical to the filter and output APIs supported by the v0.9.X series, with two exceptions:

  • The plugin code must call the runner’s UpdateCursor method as appropriate to advance the disk buffer’s cursor, exactly as required by the newer APIs.

  • The pack.Recycle method now requires an error argument which signals to Heka whether or not processing of the message in question was successful. Using nil for this argument implies that the message was successfully processed. Using a regular, non-nil error (such as is returned by errors.New or fmt.Errorf) implies that the message was unable to be processed but should not be tried again. Using a RetryMessageError (as is returned by pipeline.NewRetryMessageError, see here implies that the message should be retried.

    In other words, the argument passed in to the Recycle call is used similarly to the return value of the MessageProcessor interface’s ProcessMessage function. The behavior is not identical, however. Use of a PluginExitError will not cause the plugin to exit, exiting is still signaled by returning from the plugin’s Run method. Also, the RetryMessageError will only cause a message to be retried when buffering is in use. If a plugin does not have buffering turned on, then the value returned to the Recycle method will have no impact.

Filters (transitional API)

Filter plugins are the message processing engine of the Heka system. They are used to examine and process message contents, and trigger events based on those contents in real time as messages are flowing through the Heka system.

The transitional filter plugin interface is just a single method:

type OldFilter interface {
    Run(r FilterRunner, h PluginHelper) (err error)

Like input plugins, old-style filters have a Run method which accepts a runner and a helper, and which should not return until shutdown unless there’s an error condition. The similarities end there, however.

Filters should call runner.InChan() to gain access to the plugin’s input channel. A filter’s input channel provides pointers to PipelinePack objects, defined in pipeline_runner.go, each of which contains what should be by now a fully populated Message struct from which the filter can extract any desired information.

Sometimes, while processing a message, a filter plugin will need to generate one or more new messages, which can be handed back to the router to be checked against all registered plugins’ message_matcher rules.

To generate new messages, your filter must call PluginHelper.PipelinePack(msgLoopCount int). The msgloopCount value to be passed in should be obtained from the MsgLoopCount value on the pack that you’re already holding, or possibly zero if the new message is being triggered by a timed ticker instead of an incoming message. The PipelinePack method returns two values, the first a *PipelinePack and the second an error. If all goes well, you’ll get a pack ready for you to populate and a nil error. If the loop count is greater than the configured maximum value (as a safeguard against inadvertently creating infinite message loops), or if a pack isn’t available for some other reason, you’ll get a nil pack and a non-nil error.

Once a pack has been obtained, a filter plugin can populate its Message struct using the various provided mutator methods. The pack can then be injected into the Heka message router queue, where it will be checked against all plugin message matchers, by passing it to the FilterRunner.Inject(pack *PipelinePack) method. Note that, again as a precaution against message looping, a plugin will not be allowed to inject a message which would get a positive response from that plugin’s own matcher.

Sometimes a filter will take a specific action triggered by a single incoming message. There are many cases, however, when a filter is merely collecting or aggregating data from the incoming messages, and instead will be sending out reports on the data that has been collected at specific intervals. Heka has built-in support for this use case. Any old style filter (or output) plugin can include a ticker_interval config setting (in seconds, integers only), which will automatically be extracted by Heka when the configuration is loaded. Then from within your plugin code you can call FilterRunner.Ticker() and you will get a channel (type <-chan time.Time) that will send a tick at the specified interval. Your plugin code can listen on the ticker channel and take action as needed.

Observant readers might have noticed that, unlike the Input interface, filters don’t need to implement a Stop method. Instead, Heka will communicate a shutdown event to filter plugins by closing the input channel from which the filter is receiving PipelinePacks. When this channel is closed, a filter should perform any necessary clean-up and then return from the Run method with a nil value to indicate a clean exit.

Finally, there are two very important points that all authors of old style filter plugins should keep in mind. The first has to do with updating the disk buffer’s queue cursor for cases when buffering is in use. Old style filters should extract the QueueCursor values from packs and call FilterRunner.UpdateCursor as appropriate, just like filters that support the newer APIs.

The second important point is that an old style filter’s code must call pack.Recycle(err error) to tell Heka that it is through with the pack. Failure to do so will cause Heka to not free up the packs for reuse, exhausting the supply and eventually causing the entire pipeline to freeze. The error value passed in to Recycle should be nil if the message was processed successfully. The error value should be non-nil if the message processing failed and the message should be dropped. The error value should be an instance of RetryMessageError if the processing failure was transient and message delivery should be tried again. Note that redelivery will only happen in cases where the filter’s configuration has use_buffering set to true.

Outputs (transitional API)

Output plugins are responsible for receiving Heka messages and using them to generate interactions with the outside world. The OldOutput interface is nearly identical to the OldFilter interface:

type OldOutput interface {
    Run(or OutputRunner, h PluginHelper) (err error)

In fact, there are many ways in which old style filter and output plugins are similar. Like filters, outputs should call the InChan method on the provided runner to get an input channel, which will feed PipelinePacks. Like filters, outputs should listen on this channel until it is closed, at which time they should perform any necessary clean-up and then return. And, like filters, any old style output plugin with a ticker_interval value in the configuration will use that value to create a ticker channel that can be accessed using the runner’s Ticker method. And, finally, outputs should also be sure to call pack.Recycle (passing in an appropriate error value) when they finish w/ a pack so that Heka knows the pack is freed up for reuse.

The primary way that outputs differ from filters, of course, is that outputs need to serialize (or extract data from) the messages they receive and then send that data to an external destination. The serialization (or data extraction) should typically be performed by the output’s specified encoder plugin. The OutputRunner exposes the following methods to assist with this:

Encode(pack *PipelinePack) (output []byte, err error)
UsesFraming() bool
Encoder() (encoder Encoder)

The Encode method will use the specified encoder to convert the pack’s message to binary data, then if use_framing was set to true in the output’s configuration it will prepend Heka’s Stream Framing. The UsesFraming method will tell you whether or not use_framing was set to true. Finally, the Encoder method will return the actual encoder that was registered. This is useful to check to make sure that an encoder was actually registered, but generally you will want to use OutputRunner.Encode and not Encoder.Encode, since the latter will not honor the output’s use_framing specification.